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Final Thoughts for 2020
2020 is almost gone and most of us are thankful that’s the case but perhaps fearful of what 2021 might hold. Henry Ford has a number of down to earth quotes that we can all benefit from. This is one of my favorites:
“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.”
The attitude we bring to our daily ventures will typically determine our outcomes. While we cannot control the pandemic we can control how we react to it. While we cannot control how the government affects the world of real estate, we can learn about the changes, analyze them and figure out how to best adapt. Additionally, we might even get involved to help change some our local rules or ordinances or laws. We may also attend County or City Council meetings, volunteer to be on committees or get involved in our local REALTOR Associations.
This year we have seen a lot of the underbelly of humanity on display. Before we react to the craziness all around us, perhaps we should pause and ask ourselves what can we do to make our immediate space a better place to be? We may not have the capacity to affect large groups of people but we can impact the people in our immediate circle of influence.
We have also spent a lot of time alone this year with quarantines…..learning some things about ourselves that maybe we aren’t very comfortable with. Asking ourselves why we aren’t comfortable can help deal with our stress because it allows us to take control of the only thing within our control – ourselves — and that ultimately allows us to get to a better place.
The real estate world is full of generous, kind and thoughtful people. Yes, there are some who’s only focus is money and how much and how fast they can get their hands on it but they do not represent the majority of folks in this business.
Look in the mirror. Do you like who you see? Do you like the path you are on and the destination you have chosen? If not, why not? The person who is open to new ideas and willing to change is the person who will succeed in life.
Another quote from Henry Ford….
“If money is your hope for independence, you will never have it. The only real security that a man can have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience and ability.”